Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Protective Limitations

Many times I beg God to let me know just a bit of His plan, to let me see the big picture. I am so confused and feel so lost in my direction. Sometimes it seems that I could work through the struggle if I just saw some of the map. But, as usual, I'm probably wrong. I'm sure I couldn't handle it.

From John Fischer, Catch of the Day, July 9, 2007, http://www.fischtank.com/

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." (Psalms 19:1-4)

Wow. That's a lot of noise. Imagine if you could hear all that speech and all those voices all the time. You would probably go nuts. As it is, people who are really tuned into God run the risk of being locked up.

I think a good analogy here would be the invisible presence of radio waves in the air. Imagine what we would hear if suddenly our ears were tuned into frequencies shared by AM and FM radio. Imagine the noise of hearing all those stations all at the same time. We would walk around mad, covering our ears all the time, and pleading for the noise to stop. It's a little like this for the psalmist, David, when he tunes into God in the universe. He is deafened by the sound of God speaking in the heavens -- through space and time, past stars and worlds beyond. What he's hearing is a display of God's creative handiwork that pours out continual truth about the presence and the nature of the God who created it. And if we could hear all that all at once, we would be overwhelmed. So we can't. Our hearing is limited to a very narrow frequency band so as to allow us to function day by day in the world.

I should be more patient and listen more closely. And be thankful that he doesn't allow me to tune in completely.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like this writing!! There is a sense of peace about it and it makes me think! Thanks for sharing it!
And I know what you mean about the map---heck! just give me a direction of north/east/south/west! It does not have to be detailed---just a place to go to!!!
Fun Donna

Friday, July 27, 2007 5:40:00 PM  

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